There are several ways to create a new project in Visual Studio by: To push them on a server, you have to deploy your files - either by configuring automatic publish or by your own. Projects in Visual Studio work with a local copy of your files. The project corresponds to a single application or a library, it can be bound to a source control or configured to publish modified files onto a remote server. Debugging, IntelliSense, testing or configuring web server depends on a PHP project. Most of the features in Visual Studio work within the context of a project. It allows you to see and modify the content, and take advantage of advanced IntelliSense features, navigation features, syntax highlighting, live error detection and more. The Solution Explorer allows you to manage, search and open files, their properties and the project properties. When a project is opened, you can see the files that are a part of the project in the Solution Explorer. This allows you to open recent projects or create new ones quickly.
When you launch Visual Studio, you are welcomed with the Start Page. The following image describes the default layout. The Visual Studio main window is divided into several areas - menu bar, status bar, editor area, side panel containing the Solution Explorer, and various toolbars.